by Chris Nesbitt | May 21, 2009 | Praise, PraiseProse, Worship
Just got hooked up with The Burn 24-7 this past weekend. I’m excited about the calling and vision of this ministry, and look forward to leading worship with them again in the future! Special thanks to Charée Balm for leading with me.
by Chris Nesbitt | May 4, 2009 | Missions, Obedience, PraiseProse, Worship
Hugely blessed and honored to have led worship at the Remember The Poor Conference / Board meeting in Flagstaff this past weekend. Please visit their blog and get involved in this amazing ministry!
by Chris Nesbitt | Feb 18, 2009 | PraiseProse, Sacrifice, Surrender
(“Pour Me Out Like… Perfume” was written as a devotional for Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit. John 12:24 (ESV) It was summer of...
by Chris Nesbitt | Oct 7, 2008 | Praise, PraiseProse, Worship
Bridget Willard interviews Chris Nesbitt for The Worship Journals. WJ What does worship mean to you? CN Surrender & obedience. Surrender, in terms of who you are, and obedience as far as what you do. The more practical manifestations of “worshiping” or being a...
by Chris Nesbitt | Aug 3, 2008 | Faith, Hearing God, Obedience, PraiseProse
So stoked to have had my first Sunday teaching opportunity! This message is from a recent Sunday morning at Heritage Christian Fellowship in San Clemente, CA, where I brought what I consider to be a prophetic word about the specific calling on this present generation...